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P.Diddy Turns down Ameican Idol,awkwardness sitting besides Jennifer Lopez
Give ‘American Idol’ points for trying.According to a couple new reports,the Fox competition tried to get Kanye West as a new judge...but he turned down the offer because he believes the show to be too mainstream.Producers then moved on to Diddy...but he also showed ‘American Idol’ the backof his hand because ex-girlfriend Jennifer Lopez is returning to the panel and...well,that’s just awkward.The rapper “felt it was a ‘her or me’ situation,”a source says,which is actually sort of comforting.
Isn’t it nice to know that even multi-million dollar moguls feel weird being around a former flame? Diddy also used to be managed by Benny Medina, the man now behind Lopez’s career.So it was just a bad fit all around.Insiders also indicate that Will.i.am turned down an Idol offer,leaving the new judging table to likely consist of Lopez,Keith Urban and some record executive nicknamed Dr.Luke.
Can’t you just smell the ratings?!?