DIY Beauty Parlour@home
Beauty as a form of art is as old as humankind. Among the few objects excavated from the Harrapan ruins are cosmetic aids- simple basic tools that nevertheless communicate that the yearning for beauty was also part of the life and times of this ancient civilization. Our flawless ancient sculptors are ample testimony. The classic pose of the Ajanta woman with a hand mirror is a stance that has become synonymous with the art of adornment.
Today this art form has developed into science. The techniques of manufacturing cosmetics and applying them have led to the formation of schools of instructions. Beauty is not a static concept. Though it is reflected by the skin; it is not only superficial but something ‘inside’ – one’s physical and mental condition. Most of us have good faces but with extra effort and extra care we can further complement that beauty. For this you don’t have to go out to a beauty parlour. There are other simpler ways. As you start the year, here are golden tips to how you can do it all – at home.
Before making these though, find out your skin type, as given in the previous issue; these solutions are more economical. Note that a slight change in the ingredients or even in proportions, changes the nature of the mixture.
· Almond oil ½ tbs Hand lotion · Almond oil ½ teaspoon Bath preparation (mix with your bath water) · Glycerine 1tbs Apple cleansing lotion · Big sized Apple 1 Tonic Shampoo · Dried reetha 130gms |